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Pupil Progress


At Sticklepath we greatly value the relationship between school and parents/carers, as education needs to be a partnership to be successful. Parents are very welcome to visit the school to see what is going on and to discuss their child’s progress. All classes have various informal opportunities for parents to visit their child’s class throughout the year.


These include open afternoons at the end of a topic, as well as more regular events through the term, such as a book and biscuit in Key Stage 1 classes, where parents/carers are invited in to share a book at the end of the school day with their child. Teachers are usually available for a quick chat before and after school every day but if you have any concerns please make an appointment to see the class teacher. 


Parents/Carers and Teachers

There is also a section in your child’s homework book which is sent home weekly where teachers can highlight areas that would be useful for parents/carers to work on with their child at home, to support increased progress throughout the year. The more formal opportunities for parents to meet with their child’s class teacher available throughout the year are listed below: 


In the autumn term (around November) there is ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening, when you and your child get the opportunity to discuss how they have settled in to their new year group/class and the teacher can briefly feedback their current learning, progress and needs. 


In the spring term there is an open evening for parents to visit their child’s class to look at books and learning. All teachers, school leaders and governors are also available in the hall on a non-appointment basis to discuss any issues such as progress, behaviour or attendance.


In the summer term, after reports have been sent home, parents/carers are invited to arrange a formal meeting either after school or in the evening with their child’s teacher. The yearly report, progress and current attainment are all discussed at this meeting, as well as discussing next steps as they prepare to move on to a new year group or different setting. 



Reporting Progress and Attainment. 


Reports are sent home at the start of the summer term. They report on current attainment and attitude to learning in all subjects. The reports also show the child’s attendance and give a more detailed account on their progress in English and mathematics. Your child’s next steps are highlighted, as well as what can be done at home to support their learning.


The exception to this is Year 6 reports which are sent home at the end of spring term in order to support the parents/children with the forthcoming tests that take place in May. A further brief report outlining Year 6 children’s end of primary phase attainment is sent just before the end of the summer term.



Statutory Assessment and National Curriculum Tests (also known as SATs) 


In the first term of your child starting school in Reception, teachers carry out a thorough baseline assessment using a document called ‘development matters’ to determine what they can and can’t do and make sure they are providing the right support for your child’s needs.


Teachers then carry out a statutory assessment in the summer term known as a Foundation Stage Profile which provides parents and carers, practitioners and teachers with a well-rounded picture of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their progress against expected criteria, and their readiness for Year 1. 


Children in Year 1 complete a national phonics-screening check with their teacher in the summer term. Some children will take this again in Year 2 if they failed to make the national standard required. 


Government national curriculum tests (SATs) are undertaken by children at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 in the month of May. In Year 2 these help to inform teacher assessment, which is then reported to parents at the end of the summer term. 


In Year 6 these take the form of a formal, externally marked test in Reading, Maths and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG). The raw score your child scores in each test then equates to a national scaled score (with 100 being average for their age) to give you a clear picture of their national attainment. The result for writing is teacher assessed after rigorous monitoring, some of which is external. Teacher assessment is given for writing as well as reading, maths and science alongside the test scores. This will be reported simply by whether your child is working at national standards or is not meeting national standards. Details on the whole school performance (performance league tables) can be found on the website in the documents section. 


In other year groups there is no required statutory testing but we do test Year 3, 4 and 5 children using NFER standardised tests in the summer term. These prepare the children for what is required in Year 6 and also add to the rich bank of assessment that your child’s teacher has built up over the course of the year to give an accurate assessment of their current attainment. 



Tracking Progress 


Teacher assessment of your child is daily and on-going. However, at the end of each term they will make an informed judgement on whether your child is on track or not to meet national end of the year expectations. There are opportunities to share this information at the various parent meetings outlined earlier on. If there are concerns about the progress your child is making then parents will be contacted outside of these planned meetings to discuss support both school and home can provide. At the start of each term, if additional support is deemed necessary for your child, then parents will receive a letter outlining the intervention outside of normal class practice that will be given. 



Additional information for parents/carers 


The government have provided a leaflet to explain about the summative tests that take place in Years 2 and 6 in more detail. Please click on or copy and paste the following address into your browser to load the leaflet. 


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