young minds
01271 342455
Sticklepath CP Academy
Executive Co-Headteachers
Opening Times - 8.35am - 3.20pm (33.75 hours)
Reporting an Absence
What to do if your child is unwell:
Phone the school office as soon as possible after 8.15 on the first day of absence and every day of your child’s absence. It is vital this is done so that we know where your child is if they are not at school. This conforms with the school’s Safeguarding Policy.
What to do if you need to collect your child during the school day or bring them into school late:
Come to the school office and the office staff will fetch your child from class. You will then be asked to sign them out. Similarly, if your child is late arriving at school, please come to the school office and sign them in. A member of staff will then take them down to class.
For all other absence:
In exceptional circumstances, where absence is unavoidable, you should first request the Headteacher’s permission before withdrawing your child from school by filling out an absence form (available to download or from the school office) clearly explaining the reason for taking an absence in term time. Parents are asked not to request absence for Year 6 pupils during SATs test week in May. For further information, see the School Attendance Policy or speak to the school attendance officer (Chloe Hardman) or one of the Co Headteachers.