young minds
01271 342455
Sticklepath CP Academy
Executive Co-Headteachers
Opening Times - 8.35am - 3.20pm (33.75 hours)
School Community Board
Sticklepath Community School Primary Academy is part of the Tarka Learning Partnership. All schools within the trust are responsible to the Directors and Members of the Trust.
Sticklepath’s School Community Board (SCB) is made up of staff, parents and representatives from the local community. They are all committed to the locality.
The School Community Board usually meet half termly, to act as a critical friend to the school, champion the ethos and uniqueness of Sticklepath and feed into decisions over areas such as:
Being a parent representative on the SCB is about being part of a whole school team that want the best for all the children at our school. The rewards come in seeing happy enthusiastic children enjoying their school.
The TLP website lists information on the names of Trustees and Members, including information and duties.