young minds

01271 342455
Sticklepath CP Academy
Executive Co-Headteachers
Opening Times - 8.35am - 3.20pm (33.75 hours)


We take pride in our school
Black or Grey Trousers, Shorts, Pinafore or Skirt
White shirt, blouse or polo shirt
Red cardigan or sweatshirt
Black school shoes or trainers – no branding, heels or flip flops
Summer – red checked dress (optional)
Book Bag (red)
Polo shirts and School Cardigan/Sweatshirts with the school logo
All items are available from School Threads, go to We strongly encourage children to wear sweatshirts or cardigans embroidered with the school logo.
P.E Kit
Trainers (with Velcro for younger children)
Red school P.E. T Shirt – available from the school office
Shorts – black
Joggers/Tracksuit/Leggings and a warm jumper for outdoor lessons especially in the cold weather - (any dark colour)
Boot bag - (preferably black or red)
Drawstring PE bag
Red school P.E. T-shirts with the school name logo can be ordered from the school office. We strongly encourage children to wear these.
Reception children do not require a full P.E. Kit until the week after February half term. They will need trainers (not plimsolls) from September and a boot bag.
Children must change for indoor and outdoor P.E. Their kit should be put in a drawstring PE bag; these are obtainable from School Threads online, please click on the uniform button on our home page.
Unnamed lost property items are located in a trunk opposite the Co-Headteacher's office. All unclaimed items are recycled half termly.
Jewellery and earrings other than studs and watches should not be worn. Sorry – we cannot take responsibility for finding lost jewellery. Children must remove any jewellery before PE lessons. Earrings that cannot be removed must be taped up.
Toys/Personal Items
As a general rule, we strongly discourage children from bringing in toys, etc. to school and cannot accept responsibility for any that become lost or broken. We really do appreciate your support in this area.
We discourage children bringing a mobile phone to school, however we recognise that there are occasions parents may wish them to have them. If your child does come in to school with a mobile phone, they must be turned off in school grounds and handed to the teacher at start of school day.